About Us

Ratna Roy in niche of Brahmeswar Temple, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.Orissi, is an exquisite and lyrical Classical Indian dance tradition, regardless of how one chooses to spell it. The Mahari style of Orissi, in particular, has suffered numerous threats to its continued existence over time. Although the threats are different now, threats still exist. Ratna Roy and David Capers have been working together to preserve the rich artistic heritage of the Mahari style in the Orissi tradition of Indian Classical Dance for two decades.

Our web site is intended to aid in the preservation of this dance art. There is also information here about us, about other projects we have worked on, are working on, or intend to work on, dance classes, dance workshops, Urvasi Dance company, and how we may be contacted.

There is a photo gallery of David's works which is being continually added to. We hope you will enjoy it, but be aware there are photographs all over this site!

If you are further interested in Orissi there are books and videos available (see the menu-left). If you are interested in learning Orissi, Ratna teaches it both at Evergreen College and in classes off campus, in Olympia as well as in Seattle, Washington, USA. Feel free to inquire via e-mail if interested in dance classes, workshops, or performances.

The site will be periodically updated to reflect current research and trends of thought on Odissi, as well as updates of our own works.

Be sure to check What's New? and Dance News pages.

All materials, including all text and images, on this web site are copyrighted
© 1998-2010, David J. Capers, except where otherwise specified.
Site design and maintenance, David J. Capers. e-mail ratna-david@olywa.net

Site built: 07/27/00
Last updated: 05/20/06